Northern Virginia Birth Services

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Belly Binding - Ultimate Mommy Tucker!

A mommy tucker!

Are you serious?

Yes we are!

At Northern Virginia Birth Services, we offer Bengkung Belly Binding for our clients. We have a class offered frequently or you can even book your own private session with the fabulous Andrea Proper. 

What is Bengkung?

Bengkung is the art of wrapping a mother's abdomen using a long strip of cloth to promote her recovery and provide physical support to her postpartum body. Bengkung has been traditionally used to aid women for the first 6-8 weeks after giving birth but it can be used during pregnancy as well. During the wrapping process, a new mother is customarily given a gentle massage on her abdomen and a healing salve made with medicinal herbs and is applied. This holistic tradition is a gentle approach towards a women's postpartum recovery. There are no synthetic fibers, shapewear boning, or zippers. The purpose of Bengkung is not to change a woman's shape but to support the one she has while allowing it to properly heal. 


  • Prevents shoulder and back discomfort

  • Decreases the length of postpartum bleeding

  • Helps to return internal organs to their proper size and position

  • Relieves water retention

  • Provides physical comfort and support

  • Stabilizes loose ligaments

  • Improves circulation

  • Can assist with emotions beyond just the baby blues

  • Assists in healing diastasis recti (abdominal separation) - this is by far one of the most favorable benefits!

Why Do It?

  • Does not contain shapewear boning

  • Supports both the waist, ribcage, and hips

  • Adapts to your body's shape

  • Is made of natural breathable fabric

  • Comes in a variety of colors and prints

Contact us today to schedule a class or a private session! Even if you are in the middle of pregnancy or your postpartum time with your baby you can benefit from this simple, amazing support!